Types of Reports

There are several types of reports that can be generated in Time Management. Those reports can be selected from the Report Type drop-down menu.

See how to: Generate a Report; Save Report Criteria; Delete a Saved Report

Image of the Report Type drop-down expanded that shows all the available reports that a user can Run in Time Management.

The types of reports that can be generated are described bellow.

Table 3-29: Types of Reports
Report Title Description
Approaching OT Report Lists employees, their hours worked, how many scheduled hours remain in the work week, and any overtime the system predicts they will use.
Configuration Lists the configuration information Pay Types, Pay Calendar, and any Holidays that are configured in Time Management.
Duplicate Punch Report Lists duplicate punches for the date range selected, can be filtered by department and paytype.
Employee Hours Lists employee’s hours for the date range provided and includes their Home Dept, Worked Dept, and Job code for those hours.
Employee List Lists the employees in the selected department, department level, along with their hire date and Master Schedule code.
Employee Schedule Lists the schedule for every employee selected.
Employee Timecard Lists the timecard, and any infractions selected, for all employees selected.
Hours Summary Lists total hours worked in the selected department for the selected pay type.
Hours Summary with Rates Lists wages and total hours worked based on the employee's base rate for total hours worked in the selected department for the selected pay type.
Infractions Report Lists any employees in the selected department that have the selected infraction during the specified date range.
Labor Distribution Displays the amount of hours each employee worked for the selected pay types.
On Premises Report List all employee punches that occurred in the same office as the administrator.
Payroll Summary Displays employee’s hours per pay type for the date range specified and ordered by the department they are in.
Payroll Summary with Rates Displays employee’s hours per pay type for the date range specified and ordered by the department they are in, the reports will calculate their wages based on their Base Rate.
Punch Location Lists all employee punches and their location.
Schedule Variance Lists employee's scheduled time, actual time worked, and the difference between the two.
Time Off Request Report Lists any employee's requests for paid time off.
TimebankClosed Clockentry's method of tracking accrued and taken paid time off (PTO). The timebank can be separated into smaller "banks." For example. one bank can pertain to an employee's time for vacation, another bank for sick leave, and yet another one for holidays. Report For the legacy time off functionality. It will display the employee’s timebank balance.
TimeCard Audit Displays timecard changes made on a per user basis.
Timecard Notes Aggregates all the notes made on timecards by date range, and can be filtered by department and paytype.
User List Lists all users in the Time Management system.


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