
The Home tab displays a list of all employees that report to you as an administrator. It lists the total hours worked by the employees that week, their overtime, any infractions, and their most recent punch.

Across the top of the Home page is a series of alphabetical buttons. Clicking a letter displays only employees whose last name matches the letter clicked. The three buttons to the right side of those buttons are:

  • View Previous Pay Period—Changes the information displayed to that of the previous pay period.
  • Map—Displays the location of the punches entered by the employees.
  • Filters—Allows you to display only the employees who work in a specific department.

If you click the View Previous Pay Period button, two different buttons display.

Image of the buttons on the Home tab, View Previous Pay Period, Map, and Filters

This adds two buttons:

  • View Current Pay Period—Changes the information displayed to that of the current pay period.
  • Global Approve—Approves all employee timecards. For more information, see Timecard .

Whether you are viewing the current pay period or the previous, a table displays below the alphabetical buttons listing the employees and various information about each one.

Actions on this page: Filter Employees by Department; Mass Approve Previous Timecards; Recalculate Timecards.

Image of the Time Management app Home page that shows all of the page tabs at the top, and on the Home tab you can see a table that lists all of the employees for the company, and buttoms that you can use to filter the employees or find specific ones.

Table 3-24: Home Tab Table Columns
Column Description
Name Name and ID of the employee.

Infractions incurred by the employee over the past three days. For more information on infractions, see Infraction Rules. The options are:

  • AB—Absent.
  • HOL—Holiday.
  • MP—Missing punch.
  • SM—Short meal.
  • LM—Long meal.
  • NS—Not scheduled.
  • LI—Late in.
  • EI—Early in.
  • LO—Late out.
  • EO—Early out.
Total Total number of hours worked as of the current date.
OT1 Total number of hours worked in the OT1 pay group.
OT2 Total number of hours worked in the OT2 pay group.
Approved Check box indicating whether the timecard has been approved.
Department Department level in which the employee made their most recent timecard punch.

Most recent punch time and whether that punch was a punch in or punch out. The color of the text indicates how the punch was created:

  • Red—Manually added by an administrator to an individual employee. For more information, see Timecard
  • Black—Added by the employee through the Time Management application. For more information, see Using Time Management as an Employee.
  • Green—Added by an administrator using the Global Edit tab. For more information, see Global Edits.
Sched. Hours the employee is scheduled to work for the current day.
Pay Period The dates for the current pay period.
Timecard Button that takes you to the employee's Timecard. For more information, see Timecard .
Schedule Button that takes you to Employee Schedule tab. For more information, see Employee Schedule
File Button that takes you to the Employee Information tab. For more information, see Employee.