
The Employee tab displays employee information for reference. An administrator or a user with appropriate privileges can view this information for multiple employees and edit certain fields.

This is where you can change the default Policy, Pay Processing Group, and Master schedule for an individual employee.

Fields in red are required information for all employees. Fields in black are optional.

See how to:

Image of the Employee Tab in Time Management where a selected Employee's information can be viewed, including personal information, department, clock id information, web access information, and comments.

Table 3-30: Employee Data Fields
Field Description

Drop-down menu that determines which employees can be selected in the Employee Selector. The options are:

  • Active Employees
  • All employees

This section has no functionality unless you are an administrative user.

Employee Name of the employee whose information is displayed. If you are logged in an administrator, you can use the green arrows next to this field to select another employee to view.
Save Button that saves any changes made to the employee record.
Timecard Button that takes you to the Timecard tab that displays the currently selected employee's timecard information. For more information, see Timecard
Schedule Button that take you to the Schedule > Employee Schedule tab that displays the currently selected employee's schedule. For more information, see Employee Schedule .
Change Photo Button that allows you to change the employee's photo.
First name First name of the employee.
Middle name Middle name of the employee.
Last name Last name of the employee.
Gender Gender of the employee.
Job Default job code of the employee, the role that the employee performs for the majority of his or her time.
Policy The Policy that the employee is assigned to. Administrators can edit this section.
Pay Processing Group The Pay Processing Group the employee is assigned to. Administrators can edit this section.
Master schedule Schedule assigned to the employee that determines work hours. Administrators can determine which schedule to apply to the employee.
Allow Web Access Determines whether the employee has access to the Time Management system.
Email Email address of the employee. Administrators can edit this section.
Login Name used to access the Time Management system. Administrators can edit this section.
Password Password used to access the Time Management system. Administrators can edit this section.
Repeat Password Password entered a second time for security purposes. If this password does not match the text entered into the Password line, the changes cannot be saved. Administrators can edit this section.
Role Role assigned to the user to determine access to the system. For more information, see Users, Roles, and Privileges. Administrators can edit this section.
Home Department Section that lists the currently selected employee's default department levels.
Employee Id Identification number of the employee.
Clock # Clock number used to identify the employee. If no unique clock number is entered in Payentry® or Millennium® 3 for the employee, the system uses the same value as the Employee ID.
Hire date Date in which the employee was hired.
Seniority date Date in which the employee obtained seniority status.
Base Rate The pay rate for the employee. This field can only be seen if the user has the Can View Rates privilege.
Salaried Check box indicating whether the employee is salaried.
Full time Check box indicating whether the employee is full time.
Clock access level Level of access the employee has to the settings on physical time clocks.
Time zone A drop-down to select the time zone in which the employee works and punches in.
Comments Any additional information about the employee that is not covered by the previous fields. Administrators can edit this section.