Run Company Report Menu Options

The Run Report menu consists of the following options:


Data Range

You can select one of the following date ranges for your report:


Image of the Date Range drop-down menu and it's options from the Run Report dialog, the options are: Most Recent Pay Period, Current Month, Current Quarter, Year to Date, Quarter 1-4, Previous Month, Previous Quarter, Override Dates.


  • Most Recent Pay Period - reports on the last payroll that was processed.
  • Current Month - reports on the month based on today’s date.
  • Current Quarter - reports on the quarter based on today’s date.
  • Year-to-Date - reports on all data throughout the year up to today’s date.
  • Quarter 1, 2, 3, 4 - reports on a specific quarter of the year based on the current year.
  • Previous Month - reports on the last month from the current month.
  • Previous Quarter - reports on the previous quarter from the current quarter.
  • Override Dates - selects a date range other than the standard ones (those indicated by the other radio buttons on this page). If you enable Override Dates, the system displays the Begin and End date ranges. You can either select a payroll date from the drop-down lists or type in your own dates, such as fiscal dates that do not match any “normal” processing dates; for example, 05/01/2018 and 04/30/2018.


Output Format


You have several options to choose from when it comes to the format of your reports:


Image of the Output Format drop-down menu from the Run Report dialog, the options are: Portable Document Format (PDF), ASCII Text, Comma Separated Values, Tab Seperated Values, Character Separated Values, Rich Text Format, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Seagate Crystal Report.

  • Portable Document Format (PDF) - can be opened in Adobe Reader, Foxit Reader, and so on.
  • ASCII Text - simple ASCII text characters with no other formatting; can be opened in Notepad, TextPad, Notepad++, and so on.
  • Comma Separated Values - also known as a CSV file; can be opened in Excel, Calc, and so on.
  • Tab Separated Values - also known as a TSV file.
  • Character Separated Values - a CSV file.
  • Rich Text Format - also known as an RTF file; can be opened in Microsoft Word or Wordpad.
  • Microsoft Word - data presented in the word processor.
  • Microsoft Excel - only the data for an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Seagate Crystal Report - CR file only.
Accessing Your Reports:

You can choose to:

  • View completed report after it generates right away in the browser.
  • Email the report to yourself, you have to input the email address.
  • Display the report in the My Reports tab - this saves the report in the Saved Reports section in My Reports tab for your convenience.

Image of the output options section on the Run Report dialog, showing the View completed report, email report to field, display this report in My Reports check boxes.

Advanced Options

If you want to customize your report options further, click on Show Advanced Options at the bottom of the Run Report menu, it expands, presenting your with more customizable options.


Note: Depending on your report, you see different amount and kinds of advanced options.


Image of the Sorting section of the Run Report dialog, showing the Sort Order drop-down menu and Sorting Type radio options: Summary and Detail.


This section allows you to customize a report’s sort order and page breaks, as well as totaling.


Sort Order is how the data is ordered within each group, you could sort by department name or department ID. What you use to sort the data depends on the values of the Sort Order drop-down list. Most reports have default sort orders. The available number of sorts varies depending on the report.


From the drop-down choose the default sort order defined for this report or select another one from the list of available sorts. For example, the “3rd Party Sick Pay” report has the following predefined sort orders:

  • Dept Name
  • Dept ID
  • Name
  • ID

Note:  The values of the drop-down list vary depending on the report itself.

Sort Type:

  • Detail - select this radio button for the full version of the report that displays all the detailed information.
  • Summary - Select this radio button for a condensed version of the report with subtotals and totals.


Additional Options

The Additional Options (also called additional formulas) are special settings for each report. The topic for each report contains explanations for the formulas that pertain to that report. All individual report topics are found under Individual Reports.


Some options allow you select a particular value in the Value column. The option can display a check box, a blank field in which you can type some text, or a drop-down list.


Note: Depending on the report you chose, you see a different amount and type of additional options.


Image of the Additional Options section of the Run Report Dialog that shows an example of the fields, description, and values that can be selected for the report.



You may set up filters and then select ranges to filter reports for specific data. You can only filter reports on fields that the report returns data from. After you select a value for the Range 1 drop-down list, other fields appear on the page.


Image of the Filters section under Run Report dialog, with drop-down menus: Range, From, Thru, AND/OR, Range 2.

  • Range 1 - a range of data that pertains to this report. The values of this field will vary, depending on the particular report.
  • From - the starting value of the range of data.
  • Thru - the last value of the range of data.
  • Last box - use this unmarked field to select an operator for the two ranges you define. If you select:
    • AND — The system includes all data that matches both ranges.
    • OR — The report will return data that matches either range specified.
  • Range 2, From, Thru - these fields become active if you have selected values for the Range 1 fields, as well as the left-most AND/OR field. They behave the same as the Range 1 fields.