MPI_2003 Employee Profile Report

The Employee Profile Report is designed to display employee data. You can choose what information is included (accruals, deductions, dependents, and so on) for each employee, and whether it is either all employees or those hired/rehired on or after a certain date.

Because of your ability to select many portions of data on every employee, this is a very powerful and useful report. You can determine how much or how little information you want included in the report at any time.



To run the Employee Profile report in Payentry® NextGen:


  1. Go to the Company > Reports > Company Reports page.
  2. Scroll down to the Employee Reports section OR select Employee Reports from the Choose a Report Type drop-down menu. You may also simply type in the name or the number of the report into the search bar to find it quickly.

Image of the partial Employee Reports section on the Company Reports page, showing four of the reports that can be run by the service bureau.

  1. Click on the Run button in row of the Employee Profile report. A Run Report dialog opens.
  2. Fill out the fields in the Basic Options section. The most important field here is the Date Range. For detailed explanation of the fields please see: Run Company Report Menu Options.
    • Select a Date Range - pick the date range for which to pull employee information. This report is based on the employee hire date (or most recent rehire date).

This report uses that range’s ending date as the beginning date of this report. In this topic, that is considered your selected date. For example, you select the Quarter 2, which represents the date range of April 1 through June 30. Therefore, your selected date is June 30.

The report then displays all deductions, earnings, etc. that are active as of the selected date and beyond. (Depending on the information you want in the report, the data can sometimes be in the future.)

The employees that are included in the report are selected according to their hire date or most recent rehire date, whichever is latter.

In addition, while the rest of the report information is based on the selected date, you can further filter the employees by specifying the hire date as a given number of days before the selected date. For example, if you selected March 30th, all data about the employees is based on the date range March 30 and beyond; however, if you specify that the report should use a hire date 5 days prior, the employees included in the report will be those hired on or after March 25th.

This filtering feature uses the Use Hire Date and Days Hired additional formulas.

  • Select an Output format - whichever is easier for you to read the data.
  • Select when to view a report - either view it right when the report is ready or later from the My Reports > Report Pickup section.

Image of the Run Report dialog with Date Range, Output Format, and delivery options

  1. Click on the Show Advanced Options link to expand that section and further customize your report.
  2. Select the following options and fill out the fields to customize your report:
    • Sort Order - select how the details in the report are grouped and which order groups appear in.

    • Sorting Type - select a sorting type for the report, this determines the level of details in the report.

    • Changed Employees - if selected this report will only show employees that have had changes made to their profile.
    • Show Changes - if selected the report will show changes made on the employee records
    • Lookback Period - use drop-down to select how many days to look back changes beyond the selected date range.
    • Include changes by Root - select changes made by Root processing.
    • Filtering - select how the details in the report are grouped and which order groups appear in.

Image of the Sorting, Additional Options, and Filtering sections of the Run Report for the Employee Profile Report.

  1. Click the Run Report button to create this report. Depending on the delivery option you selected, the report loads in the browser, is emailed to you, or is added to My Reports.


Once you open the report, it will display information for the employees based on what you selected for the report.


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