Enable Employee Self-Service

While your employees may have previously created a My Payentry® account, they do not have access to your company until you enable them in Payentry®. You can do this for both a single employee and in bulk. To do so for a single employee:


  1. Go to Company > Employees > Employee whose information you want to edit or start typing their name in the Smart Search bar.
  1. Hover over Employee Profile, then click on Employee Self-Service.
  1. Click on Add Self-Service Access, an Add Self-Service Access dialog comes up.

Imageof the Employee Self-Service page before the ESS service is activated, that shows the Current Status section as not setup, and only the Add Self-Service Access button in Available Actions, and the Notes section, as well as the Save Changes and Unchanges buttons that are not active.

  1. Choose the level of access you want employee to have from the drop-down, your options are: full or limited access.

Image of the Add Self-Service Access dialog, it shows: Access Level drop-down, Email Notification to user? Options No and Yes with drop-down to select the email or type it in. As well as the Save Changes and Cancel buttons.

  1. Select whether you want to notify the user about being granted access; if Yes, either type in their email address or select their existing email address that displays from the Employee Profile Information page.
  1. Click Save Changes to enable Self-Service Access for the employee.

Image of the Employee Self-Service section that shows the current ESS status of the employee, available actions, and notes, and as well as the Save Changes and Undo Changes buttons.


A Welcome email is sent to the employee letting them know that they can sign up for My Payentry®. For more information, see: My Payentry® For Employees.



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