ESS Status Indicator


The ESS status indicator helps the user see an employee's My Payentry® account status at glance right from the Employee Snapshot page.


Image of the partial Employee Snapshot page, focusing on the ESS indicator that is located at the top-left corner of the page about the employee name and icon.


The possible statuses are:


Status Definition
Image of a grey circle with a white dash in the middle that indicates the Inactive Status for the Employee's ESS account.

Inactive - the My Payentry® service has not been set up for this user.


Image of a blue circle with another circle of white dots revolving in it that indicates the available/pending status for the Employee's ESS status.

Available/Pending - the My Payentry® service has been enabled for the user, but they have not activated or setup their account yet.


Direct them to: My Payentry® For Employees

Image of a grey circle with another circle of white dots revolving inside of it, with an orange circle with a white lock inside of it in the top right corner that indicates a Pending/Locked status for the Employee ESS status.

Pending/Locked - the My Payentry® service has been enabled for the user, but the account is locked. The user will not be able to setup their new account while their account is locked.

Image of a green circle with a white checkmark inside of it that indicates the Available Status for Employees ESS

Available - the My Payentry® service has been setup for the user and they have activated and setup up their account.

Image of a grey circle with a white checkmark inside of it and a orange circle with a lock inside on top right, indicating an available but locked status for Employees ESS account

Available / Locked - the My Payentry® account service has been enabled for the user and they have activated their account, but they have locked themselves out. This could be because the user has tried to unsuccessfully login or they were locked out by an admin.

Image of a red circle with a white x in the middle indicating a disabled status for the Employee's ESS Account

Disabled - the My Payentry® account service has been disabled for the user, meaning they've been disconnected from the company that they were a part of but they are still able to access their account.


Image of a grey circle with a white x inside and an orange circle with a white lock inside on the top right, indicating a Disabled and Locked status for the Employee ESS Account.

Disabled / Locked - the My Payentry® account has been disabled and locked for the user and they are not able to log in or access their account.