Edit an SUI Tax
- Go to the Company's Dashboard.
- Hover over Payroll Setup and click on Payroll Notes, you are taken to the page with the section expanded.
- Click on View/Edit in row of the tax code that you want to edit, a Company Tax dialog opens.
- Edit the basic tax information in the Setup tab. Here you may:
- Edit the description of the tax.
- Edit the Start and End Dates for the tax. Th Start Date is when the tax type goes into effect. The End Date in when the tax type is no longer valid. To have the tax type continue indefinitely, enter an end date with the year 2100.
- Select the Mark Return Final Date. If a date is selected it tells the agency that the company will no longer be tax filing with that agency/tax.
- Enter Tax Group (This is for multi-state/local only. this should otherwise be zero!)
- Select whether to Create Advance for tax monies if needed. If an employee has insufficient monies to cover the calculated tax amount, the software creates the advance to the employee and a goal amount deduction to recover the funds from future pays.
- The Deferred field cannot be edited as it is read-only.
- Click on the Rate tab to edit those details. This is where you can override the default Employee Supplemental Rate for the tax type. The Employee Supplemental Rate is a separate tax rate used for any supplemental earnings the employee has. For example, a quarterly bonus would be considered a supplemental rate.
- Override - if a value is added, it is used to override the company-defined default Employee Supplemental Rate.
- Block Tax - check box indicating whether the taxable wages are calculated. However, no tax monies are due. If the service bureau is impounding tax monies, no tax monies will be impounded. This is used most often in companies that must report wages but are exempt from the tax.
- Click on Deposit tab to edit those details. This tab allows you to determine the frequency and method of tax deposits.
- Deposit Frequency - frequency in which the funds are deposited into this tax type.
- Deposit Method - drop-down menu that determines how the tax monies are paid.
- Deposit Frequency Description - Description of the frequency, created automatically by the system.
- Click on the Payable To tab edit the address of where to send the tax files. If the address is left blank, the address the system has on file will be used.
- Click on the Return tab to edit the address to which the tax returns should be sent.
- Click Save and Close when you are ready to save your changes.