Millennium®’s ACHClosed Automated Clearing House — An electronic network for financial transactions in the United States. Transactions within our software can be made by either check or ACH. Warehouse is used to create ACH files.


You use this page to:


Table 3-428: Header fields
Field Description
ACH file

Use this unmarked drop-down list to select the type of ACH files you will view. Valid entries are:

  • Outstanding — all outstanding ACH files
  • <date-time stamp> — previously created ACH files

Click on any file in the list to view its contents.

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ACH Filter

Use the pre-defined filters to narrow down the types of transactions.

This field is only available if you select Outstanding in the ACH type (unmarked) drop-down list.

You create the filters in System > Setup > Misc tab > Ach Filters. You can create filters using fields in the CAchTransfers Table.

From, Thru

Use these two fields to filter outstanding items by date. The system displays all ACH transaction files that occurred on or between the dates you specify.

These fields are only available if you select Outstanding in the ACH type (unmarked) drop-down list.

The Thru field defaults to two business days ahead of today’s date, which represents the ACH window that it takes for a item to settle. In other words, the direct deposit that was sent out yesterday will be in the account tomorrow. Business days are defined as non-weekend and non-holiday.

The default value of the From date field is one year prior to the value of the Thru date field. If today (and the value of the Thru field) is Leap Day (2/29), the value of the From date is set to 2/28 of the prior year.

If you change the Thru date, you will see more entries that have future settlement dates.

You can leave the From field blank if you want to see all ACH files from the beginning.

Company You can filter outstanding items by Company.
Group By The group by drop-list controls the order in which the data is displayed on the screen.