The Package Viewer Menu

The top, right-hand corner of the window displays the following information:

  1. The name of the service bureau that created the package is displayed in the title bar
  2. Your company name, as it is recorded at the service bureau, is in the upper left-hand corner of the dialog:


Top Section: Document Controls

The buttons, fields, and check boxes in the topmost area of the window make up the document controls:

Figure 2-207: Top section of the Package Viewer window

The fields are explained below:


Use this button to select the MPAYindex.dat file, which lists the contents of the storeroom package.

When you click this button, the program displays the Open dialog, similar to the following example:

Any attempt to edit the file causes the contents of the storeroom package to become inaccessible.

To illustrate when you would use this button, assume you started the StoreroomPV.exe program, used the Browse for Folder dialog to find a suitable folder, and realized that you did not create a folder for the files you want to decrypt. Therefore, you would:

  • Click the Cancel button in the Browse for Folder dialog.

The program displays the Package Viewer window, but it does not display any documents.

  • Create the folder you want.
  • Click the Browse button in the Package Viewer window.
  • Select the MPAYindex.dat file.
  • Click the Open button.

The Package Viewer window now displays the list of documents.

Select Output Directory

Use this button to choose the folder into which you want to store the decrypted versions of the storeroom package files.

When you click this button, the program displays the Browse for Folder dialog, similar to the following example:

Figure 2-208: Browse for Folder dialog

You may change the output directory at any time; subsequent actions will use the folder you have chosen.

Save All Reports

Use this button to decrypt and save the entire contents of the Storeroom package to the pre-selected folder.

When the program finishes decrypting and saving all the reports, it displays a message, similar to the following example:

Figure 2-209: All reports saved message


Opens this document (StoreroomPV.pdf) if it is present in the current directory or disc.

Category, Date
Date, Category

Use these radio buttons in the Group By area to determine the sort order of the first two columns in the document list section.

Choose Filter

Use this drop-down box to limit the items displayed in the document list section to one of the following document categories:

  • All
  • Pay Stubs
  • Payroll Reports
  • Tax Forms
  • W2s
  • 1099s
  • Other
Q1 – Q4

Use these check boxes in the Date Selection area to include or exclude items in the document list section based on the reporting quarter of each document.

Using these check boxes disables the By Date check box.

By Date

Use this check box and the From and To calendar controls to select the date range of documents in the package you want to display in the document list section.

Using these check boxes disables the Q1 through Q4 check boxes.

List All Reports

This button resets the display to show all of the documents included in the current package.

Save Selected Reports

Saves any items selected from the list of documents in the Contents section of the window to the currently selected output directory.

You can select multiple contiguous items by using the Shift key or select individual rows use the Ctrl key.

When the program finishes decrypting and saving all the reports, it displays a message, similar to the following example:

Figure 2-210: Selected reports saved message

Print Selected Reports

Use this button to print the PDFs of the one or more reports you selected. The program uses your default printer.

You can select multiple contiguous items by using the Shift key or select individual rows use the Ctrl key.

When the program finishes decrypting and sending the report(s) to your printer, it displays a message, similar to the following example:

Figure 2-211: All reports saved message


Preview Selected Report

Use this button to view one report you select. You cannot use this button for multiple reports at the same time.

When the program finishes decrypting the report, it opens the report in your PDF application, similar to the following example:

Figure 2-212: All reports saved message


Bottom Section: List of Documents

This section of the window shows you the contents of the Storeroom package—the list of documents your service bureau has sent you:

You can sort the list by clicking on any one of the column headings. Click the column heading a second time to reverse the sort order.

The columns are explained below:

Table 2-120: Bottom section of the Package Viewer Window columns
Column Description
Report Category

The type of report for each corresponding document. Every document belongs to one of six categories:

  • Pay Stubs
  • Payroll Reports
  • Tax Forms
  • W2s
  • 1099s
  • Other
Report Date The date on which the report was originally generated. The date is displayed in a YYYY/MM/DD format.
Report Name The name of the report as defined by the service bureau.
Quarter The quarter in which the report was originally generated.
Filename The actual name of the report file. The program uses this name when you decrypt and save the document to the selected output directory.

You can right-click on documents in the list to save, view, or print them.

If you right-click on a single row, the following menu appears:

You can select multiple consecutive rows by using the Shift key or multiple individual rows by using the Ctrl key.

If you right-click on multiple rows, the following menu appears: