View Check/ Add Check Dialog

Double-clicking on a check name displays the View Check dialog.  This dialog window is also used when adding new checks to the list of available checks. For more information on the latter.


Table 2-252: View Check Window Fields
Field Description
Check Type

Specifies the type of check. The options are:

  • AcctVerify - verify account, can be used to verify new client accounts by sending a small transfer (less than $1.00)
  • Agency - third party agency transactions
  • Tax - tax transactions
  • Transfer - tax/trust impound transactions
Id Specifies the ID of the check.
Check / Direct Deposit Radio buttons used to specify whether this is a printed check or a direct deposit.
Check Date Date in which the paycheck was issued to the employee.
Process Number used to identify the check process for the specified check or direct deposit.
Name Name of the employee.
Address Address of the employee.
Zip ZIP Code of the employee.
City City of the employee.
State Two-letter abbreviation of the employee's home state.
Printer Drop-down menu that specifies the printer in which the check information prints.
Reprint Button that reprints the check information to the printer specified.
Mark Check as Voided Button that marks the current check as void.
Bank Account Account in which the payment is drawn from.
Amount Amount of money paid.
Check / VCR Number Either the check of voucher number for the payment.
Memo Brief memo to display on the check.
Deposit to Account ID Account ID in which to deposit the funds if this is a direct deposit transaction.
Dir Dep to Account Account name in which to deposit the funds if this is a direct deposit transaction.
Dir Dep to Transit Transit number in which the funds are deposited.
ACHClosed Automated Clearing House — An electronic network for financial transactions in the United States. Transactions within our software can be made by either check or ACH. Addendum Use this field for tax payments to agencies that require addendum records, which further identify the specifics of the tax payments.