Add W-2 Billing to a Company Set

If you want to add a W-2 billing product to a company set (or all companies), use the script included in the zipped file below. To download the file, click the button below or right-click to save the file to a specific place on your hard drive:


  1. In order to run this you should have a W-2 billing product and table already set up. The script defaults to a product called W2 and a table called W2. (You can overwrite the script by simply entering your product name in the input boxes.)
  2. The script will first prompt for the name of a company set. If you want to apply this product to all companies then leave the default All company set. Otherwise, overwrite the company set with the name of your particular company set.
  3. The script will prompt for the product table and billing codes. The defaults are W2 and W2, respectively. If your products and tables differ, enter the names here. Spelling counts as there is no error checking for spelling mistakes; therefore, please be sure to enter in the exact product code and billing table names.

If you make a mistake, you can either remove the product from each company manually or simply create a product and/or billing table to match the misspelling.

  1. The scripts will also prompt for a frequency code. If the frequency does not already exist on the company, the script will add it. It is an annual frequency set to bill in the last week of January with Auto Makeup checked. If the frequency does exist on the company, you must manually adjust the frequency or manually create a new frequency to bill in the last week of January and set the billing product accordingly.
  2. The start and end dates entered for the product are 01/01/2002 and 12/31/2100, respectively. Once you have added the product to the company and completed your billing, all you really need to do the next year is adjust the billing SQL to look at the correct year.

You can use this frequency trick to set up your W-2 billing when you initially set up future companies, in order to avoid having to set up a W-2 billing product on each company in the future.