Report Security

This topic explains the security measures available for Millennium® 3 reports.

General Information

Millennium® 3 has limited record & field security for all reports. Report security is controlled by several settings in Millennium®’s Security module.

Note: Report security is applied to all reports that are run ad-hoc by any user of the system. It does not apply to reports that are run as part of normal payroll processing.

The security information is passed to each report. You can use that information to:

  • Prevent the system from displaying specific companies and employees
  • Block employee social security numbers, bank information, and pay rate information

The new report security provides record-based security for both companies and employees. It takes advantage of the existing record rights applied to both Company and Employee objects configured in the rules associated with the user and the user’s role (see Changing a Role’s Security for a Report).

For more Millennium® security principles, logic, and some examples, see Security.

Note: Other objects that are available for standard system security (CDept1, Erate, and so on) are not supported for report security. Only security on Company and Employee objects will be applied to reports.

In addition to the record-level security described above, limited field-level security has been implemented for reports. Social Security numbers, bank information, and pay rate information can be blocked from reports. Millennium®’s security interface includes a Report Security tab, located in both the user and role security screens, to allow you to block these items.

Hiding bank information blocks references to transit numbers, account numbers, and the bank’s name. Hiding pay rate information blocks rates and amounts that may be used to determine an individual’s pay. Hiding an SSN masks social security numbers anywhere on the report.

You should configure these report field security settings on all users/roles where they apply. They are off by default, which means the users can see the data.