
The Report Properties, Subtotals/Breaks tab allows you to customize a report’s sort order, page breaks, and totaling. You can elect to use the sort orders provided with Millennium® or you can set up your own custom sorts.

Note: Hard-coded reports cannot be customized.

  • Groups control how your data is grouped and subtotaled.
  • Sorts control how the data is ordered within each group.

For example: you could group by department and sort by name. You could define page breaks by department, subtotals by department, and then sort by name within each department.

Most reports have default sort group orders. The available number of sorts and groups varies depending on the report.

Sort Order and Groups
  • Use this radio button to use the default sort orders defined for this report. Use the drop-down list to select the particular sorts order.

For example, MPI_0001 (Payroll Register) already has the following sort orders defined:

  • Dept ID
  • Dept Name
  • ID
  • Name

Note: The values of the drop-down list vary depending on the report itself.

Once you select one of these values, the Groups and Sorts lists in the lower portion of the page are automatically filled in with the appropriate data.

  • Custom Sort Order - use this radio button if you want a sort order that is different from the original group and sort settings of the report. Once you select this radio button, the system allows you to change the selections in the Groups and Sorts lists. When you click on a group, it becomes a drop-down menu which allows you to switch the order of the groups.

As you can see in the example above, the Groups column may contain blank line items. The reason is that each report is configured to have a maximum number of first-level groups and second-level sorts. The Groups column displays the maximum number of line items defined for the report—even if a value is not selected for some of the lines.

For example, the report in the figure above allows a total of six groups (aside from Report Totals). Currently, five groups have been selected (CC1 through CC5). If you wanted to add another grouping, you would select Custom Sort Order and click on the blank line and select a value from the drop-down list.

When you select Custom Sort Order, the drop-down list for each line item is not unique. In other words, every line under Groups offers you the exact same selections. The same is true for the Sorts column (but offers a different list from the Groups column).

The list of available values for Groups and Sorts varies from report to report. The available entries are listed in each report’s particular topic.

Report Format

Most of the reports are written to include both a detailed version and a summary version. The explanations of the fields in the Report Format area are as follows:

  • Detail—The full version of the report that displays all the detailed information.
  • Summary—A condensed version of the report with mostly subtotals and totals.
Totals and Page Breaks
  • Show all totals—Use this radio button to grey out the Show column (make it inactive) and automatically display all totals in your groups.
  • Customize—Use this radio button to make the Show column active and allows you to choose which groups’ totals you want included, as shown below:

The last of the fields is to the right of the Totals area:

  • Page Breaks —Valid entries for this drop-down list are as follows:
  • No Page Breaks — Does not make specific page breaks anywhere in the report; simply prints the report one line after another.
  • Before and After Totals — Starts printing data at the top of the next page both before and after a total.
  • After Totals — Starts printing data at the top of the next page only after a total has been printed.
  • Custom — Makes the Before and After columns active and allows you to choose when the individual page breaks occur according to the data you are printing, as shown below: