The Report Properties, Output tab is where you may select from a range of options of files to create when running a report. You can then also decide if the report should be printed, e-mailed, or saved to file. If you run a report with a destination of file you can define the path and file name or have Millennium® do so automatically (this can be found in the summary log of the Print job). If you select a specific path you must use a UNC path.
The explanations of the fields are as follows:
Output Format
Use this drop-down list to determine how the report is formatted. Valid entries include:
- CharSep—Character-separated values.
- CSV—Comma-separated values.
- Excel (data only)—Only the data for an Excel spreadsheet.
- Excel—Excel 5.0 spreadsheet.
- PagTxt—Paginated text file (60 lines per page).
- PDF—Adobe Reader file.
- Printer Native Format—Adobe Reader file.
- TSV—Tab-separated values.
- TXT—Simple ASCII text characters; no other formatting.
- Word—Microsoft Word document.
Use these radio buttons to determine the type of medium to which the export will be sent. Valid entries include:
- Printer — The default printer
- File — A location on a hard drive
- E-mail — Automatically attached to an e-mail. Sends it to the address you specify in the associated field, as shown below:
Millennium® sends the e-mail via Microsoft mail or MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface), a simplified e-mail system.
See How to E-mail Reports for an explanation on how to set up a report you want to e-mail rather than print.
The location to which you want the report sent. Select the appropriate radio button to either use the temporary directory or a specific directory of your choosing.
Only available if you select File or E-mailDestination radio buttons.
If you select Specific Directory, enter the full UNC (Uniform Naming Convention) path that is available to the process server user account; for example:
Be sure to use two backslashes at the beginning, followed by the name of the process server, followed by the shared folder (and subfolders, as necessary), and ending with a backslash.
Do not try to include a file name—just server and folders down to the folder that will contain the file.
Use these radio buttons to indicate whether you want the system to name the file or you want to name the file yourself.
If you name the file yourself, you can give it a dynamic name. For more information, see Using Dynamic Report File Names.