Date Selection

The Report Properties, Date Selection tab allows you to select the dates on which the report’s data will be based. The standard options of Most Recent Pay Period, Current Month, Current Quarter, Quarter 1, and so on may change depending on the report.

Dates for the reports (such as the current month, last week, the previous quarter, and so on) are based on the calendar date on your computer.

Use the Override Dates option to manually select a range of check date/process number combinations on which to base a report.

This page displays different options depending on the report you are defining, whether it is a company-style or service bureau-style report, the type of data being reported, and so on.

Company-style default date ranges are:

Field Description
Most Recent Pay Period Select this radio button to report on the last payroll that was processed.
Current Month Select this radio button to report on the month based on today’s date.
Current Quarter Select this radio button to report on the quarter based on today’s date.
Year-to-Date Select this radio button to report on all data throughout the year up to today’s date.
Override Dates

Allows you to select a date range other than the standard ones (those indicated by the other radio buttons on this page).

Works in conjunction with the Date and Process # drop-down lists, which Millennium® automatically populates with a drop-down list of payrolls that have been processed.

You can either select a payroll date from the drop-down lists or type in your own dates, such as fiscal dates that do not match any “normal” processing dates; for example, 05/01/2019 and 04/30/2019.

Quarter 1, 2, 3, 4 Select these radio buttons to report on a specific quarter of the year based on the current year.

The explanations of the fields in the Date and Process # area are as follows:


The first selected date/process number combination of the process date range.


The last date/process number combination of the process date range.

The Beginning and Ending drop-down lists are only accessible if you have selected the Override Dates radio button, as shown in the following example:

A process number is an identifier assigned by Millennium® to a check run. The identifier, which uses the format YYYYMMDDnn, consists of two parts:

  • The date of the check run (YYYYMMDD)
  • A sequence number (nn)
  • The sequence number differentiates multiple check runs that are performed on the same date.

You can either select check date/process number combinations from the drop-down lists or manually change the date/process number.

If you type in the values manually, you must ensure the first eight characters of the process number must match the corresponding date. The only characters of the process number that you can modify at will are the last two digits (the sequence number).

Note: If you do not use the proper process number format, the report will run—but it will not include any data.