Data Selection

The Report Properties, Data Selection tab is where you may setup filters and then select ranges to filter reports for specific data. You can only filter reports on fields that the report returns data from. For more information on setting up filters for reports, see Report Filters.

The explanations of the fields in the Data to Include on Report area are:

Table 2-260: Data to Include On Report fields
Field Description
Range 1 A range of data that pertains to this report. The values of this field will vary, depending on the particular report.
From The starting value of the range of data.
Thru The last value of the range of data.
[left-most field]

Use this unmarked field to select an operator for the two ranges you define. If you select:

  • AND — The system includes all data that matches both ranges.
  • OR — The system includes data that matches the range that best suits this report.
Range 2, From, Thru These fields become active if you have selected values for the Range 1 fields, as well as the left-most AND/OR field. They behave the same as the Range 1 fields.

The explanations of the fields in the Companies area are:

Note: These fields are mutually exclusive; that is, you can only select one radio button at a time.

Table 2-261: Companies area fields
Field Description
Current Company Selects data from the company that is selected at the time you run the report.
All Companies Selects data from the entire system at the time you run the report.
Company SetClosed A company set is something you can create—except for the set All that is provided as a default. You define them under System > Setup > Company Sets tab. A company set can include: Several single companies and another company setMultiple company sets In such cases, the company set is a superset: it includes one or more other company sets. So, if you select a superset in the Company Set drop-down list, the items area will display all companies from all sets included in the superset. For example, Set 1 includes companies A–C, and Set 2 includes companies D–F. Set 3 is comprised of company sets 1 and 2. Therefore, if you use this drop-down list and you select the value Set3, the items list will display companies A–F.

Allows you to select data from a particular company set—a subset of the entire system—at the time you run the report.

This radio button activates the drop-down list from which you can select a company set.