ACA Audit Tool
This tool was created to assist in finding any invalid company or employee ACA Affordable Care Act data when filing the ACA efile. You can select to validate by company or company set. You need to know the name of the database as well as the login credentials to use this tool. The tool analyzes Company and Employee data and validates the data just as the efile would so that you can correct the issues before trying to generate the e-file.
Click the link to download the ACAAuditTool.exe file.
- Open the ACA Audit Tool Ver 3.1 application.
- Click on the Login button, the login dialog opens.
- Enter your database, username, and password.
- Optional: Check the Save Login check box if you desire to store the login credentials.
- Click Login, you return to the app screen.
- Select either Single Company or Company Set A company set is something you can create—except for the set All that is provided as a default. You define them under System > Setup > Company Sets tab. A company set can include: Several single companies and another company setMultiple company sets In such cases, the company set is a superset: it includes one or more other company sets. So, if you select a superset in the Company Set drop-down list, the items area will display all companies from all sets included in the superset. For example, Set 1 includes companies A–C, and Set 2 includes companies D–F. Set 3 is comprised of company sets 1 and 2. Therefore, if you use this drop-down list and you select the value Set3, the items list will display companies A–F. by clicking on the radio button. Then either type in the company name or select which company set you need.
- Type in the file Output location.
- Click the Go button.
The Tool lists any validation issues in the list box and show if it skipped any companies in the box on the left.
Note: the tool will not correct the issues only report them. Correct the validation issues in M3.
This data is copied to a log file with the time and date that the tool was run. If the tool is run again, the new data appends to the file.